Horsely Hills

We had the best time in Horsely Hills


The atmosphere in VIT is Awesome.

Nandi Hills

The Hill of Happiness


A day I won't forget.


I love Photography

Photography could also be an enormous subject, there are such an oversized amount of subjects to choose from on which to master and which one would enjoy. i prefer to click mostly the natural ones or those who provides me a perfect satisfaction of where i'm in. to induce good shots, one must understand some concepts of photography like lighting techniques, backgrounds, arrangements then on, so when the result's finished, you get a gorgeous shot. Practicing is another method to urge your shots to the proper, the more you practice on your choice of interest, the more better your shots would become. so on form my shots good , I did take up short courses to be told intimately so I understand the thanks to take good shots and great snaps that look natural and wonderful.

Water Photography

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Golden Water

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Top Photos

The best photos i have taken!



The simple things are also the most extraordinary things just they are macro in size and beautiful to see



The evening sky was awash with peach, apricot, cream: tender little ice-cream clouds in a wide orange sky



Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you,walk in to witness a thousand miracles



Light a lamp of love! Blast a chain of sorrow! Shoot a rocket of prosperity! Fire a flowerpot of happiness! Yes it's a sparking Diwali!



Good black and white photography is not about the removal of color!
Life is good in black and white the color



Any flowers are beautiful and exciting to see. I just love taking photos of flowers. Wildflowers are my favorite

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Sreeram Medarametla

Just me, myself and I, exploring the universe of unknownment. I have a heart of love and an interest of photography and editing blog. I want to share my world with you.

Capturing the most beautiful things with my eyes is the phase where I started dreaming about photography. From a small phone camera to Best high resolution phone camera and then a professional DSLR my journey taught me patience and passion towards photography. Reliving everyday just by observing the most delightful things around us amazes me to indulge more into this passion. Waiting for hours to Capture minute details is the patience I learnt for my life. Being able to see the life in different perspective is the greatest blessing for me. Photography is the best part of my life which is redefining my abilities and confidence.
Photography for me is life.

“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
--Elliott Erwitt


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Chittoor, AP
Phone: 7995806951
Email: sreeram16.m@gmail.com

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